Interactive Environments Exhibition - FOTO GUUS SCHOONEWILLE


In the 2019-2020 edition of the Interactive Environments minor we focussed on the following question: can interactive spaces help people to manage their mood?

Some days we are cheerful; other days, we are gloomy. Likewise, we can be nervous, relaxed, excited, or perhaps irritable, but we are always in some mood. Our mood provides the colouring for all our day-to-day activities; when cheerful, we see the world through rose-coloured glasses; when gloomy, we see the same world, and everything in it, as dim and grey. Mood is very sensitive to environments. The classrooms, office spaces, waiting lounges, airports, and hospitals – the spaces we spend our time in – all have an influence on our daily moods.

Researchers of the Delft Institute of Positive Design have been studying the influence of design on human mood. In the current edition of the Interactive Environments minor 38 students with various disciplinary backgrounds have investigated how to apply this knowledge to the of design interactive spaces for mood regulation. We partnered with KLM in our Design Doing collaboration and designed 6 different proposals with full scale prototypes for interactive environments at KLM Schiphol.
We designed an office playground, a relaxing cocoon, a creative brainstorm room, a coffee corner socially connecting flight crew, a mesmerizing corridor for flight crew disembark- ing the plane and an interactive floor to stage the goodbye moment of a flight crew.

The minor students: Douwe van Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh, Rima Arab, Job Bahlmann, Max Bogert, Martine van den Boogaart, Soesja Brunink, Chiel de Vries, Karla Echeverry Caro, Thomas Eckhardt, Frederik Høgdal, Ricardo Jongerius, Glenn Keller, lilly Klappe, Anna Koper, Caspar Krijgsman, Kevin van der Lans, Sherman Lee, Tianyang Lei, Bianca Lieu, Maurice Mahieu, Signe Meyer, Doreen Mulder, Dong-Hyuk Na, Justin Oosterbaan, Laura Ottevanger, Willie Overman, George Paxton, Eline Peeters, Julia Rademaker, Marijn Roelvink, Marinka Roest, Jan Schneider, Luuk Streefkerk, Sophia Tse, Diana Vardanyan, Sacha Verburg, Owen Versteeg, Amir Zaidi.

KLM: Carlijn Brinkman, Robert Ehrencron, Mahender Gangadin, Roelof Lammers, Sylca Vellinga, Esther Zijtregtop.

DIOPD: Pieter Desmet, Pelin Esnaf, Makiko Higashi, Alev Sönmez, Haian Xue,

The minor staff: Martin Havranek, Aadjan van der Helm, Wouter van der Hoog, Tomasz Jaskiewicz, Lorenzo Romagnoli and Wim Schermer.